Peer to Peer Opportunity – April 2020
Good afternoon to each of you. I hope that your new year has started off well.
We are considering conducting a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) meeting that is solely focused on Implementation Plans. This P2P is designed for STOP Administrators and staff only.
Some of you have expressed interest because you are a new administrator and others of you have shared that you would like to learn more from your colleagues about how they develop their IPs from year to year.
Our goal is to focus on the core requirements of an Implementation Plan and to share with you, tips on writing IPs, identifying and prioritizing the needs in your state/territory, developing your planning process, and collaborating with other required partners, etc.
The purpose of this email is to gauge the level of interest and availability we have from the 56 VAWA State/Territory Administering Agencies.
We are planning this P2P for the week of April 20th, 2020, in the middle of the country in a city/state with an airport hub. We are currently considering the following cities:
- Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas
- Denver, Colorado
- St. Louis, Missouri
By return email to me, please let me know:
- if you are interested in this type of focused P2P
- if you are available the week of April 20th
- which city/state you prefer
Thank you in advance for your valuable feedback!
9660 Falls of Neuse Road
Suite 138, PMB 211
Raleigh, NC 27615-2435
(919) 588-9615