
AVA Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Meeting – May 2023

Good afternoon VAWA Administrators! As 2022 comes to an end, AVA is considering conducting an in-person, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) meeting in late May of 2023 in Denver, Colorado. The purpose of this post is to determine the level of interest and availability we have from you, the 56 VAWA State/Territory Administering Agencies. AVA has not yet […]

AVA/OVW Conference Call – October 17, 2022

Good morning.  I hope that you are all doing well. The AVA Board will meet with representatives from OVW on Monday, October 17th, for our regularly scheduled quarterly meeting. If you have any questions that you would like for us to ask,  please share them with me or here on your AVA listserv. As always, we […]

NOVA Request for Lists of Victim Service Providers

Good afternoon! The National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA) is hoping to identify a contact in each state and territory that can help them locate a current list of victim service providers in your area, Please see the below letter from Callie Stewart, Director of Strategic Engagement for more information and respond to her if […]

AVA Strategic Planning Survey

Happy Monday everyone! The AVA Board holds a strategic planning meeting each year to identify the accomplishments of the previous year and to develop a 12-month plan for the upcoming year. This year, we are reaching out to you (in advance of that meeting) to ask for your input.  The below link will take you to a […]

GAO Study re Sexual Assault Exams

Good afternoon and Happy Monday! AVA received a detailed email from Chris Hatscher, Senior Analyst with the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) last Friday. After receiving the email, I also spoke on the phone with Chris at length about a project he/GAO is working on that is likely to involve each of you. The VAWA Reauthorization Act […]

FFY 2022 STOP and SASP Allocation Charts

Good afternoon. Amy Loder sent out an email today announcing the STOP VAWA and the SASP allocation amounts. I am sure that you probably already received her email but as this is important information, I wanted to send you a second notice. I am attaching a copy of both charts for your easy reference. Take […]

VAWA “Incentive” Programs

Happy Monday! You likely received the following email from Amy Loder today but just in case you did not, please read below in italics for Amy’s message: Good afternoon, As you are aware, the Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization Act of 2022 (VAWA 2022) authorized two new “incentive” programs that, if funded, would enable states […]

VAWA Reauthorization “Redline” Document

Good afternoon. Per the request of many VAWA Administrators, I am sharing the following document that outlines the changes in the most recent VAWA Reauthorization when compared to the previously existing statute.   A great big thank you to the National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence who prepared this redline document that details […]

VAWA Reauthorization Comparisons

During our AVA Annual Meeting last week, several administrators requested something akin to a side-by-side comparison of the 2021 VAWA Reauthorization (passed in 2022) and the 2013 VAWA Reauthorization.   I will continue to work on this but wanted to share part of a press release in March by the USDOJ Office of Public Affairs.  […]