
OVW Open Solicitations

Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation with related FAQs, fact sheet, and other materials Grants for Outreach and Services to Underserved Populations Grants to Tribal Governments to Exercise Special Domestic Violence Criminal Jurisdiction Justice for Families Program   Watch the Pre-Application Information Session, which describes the main requirements for this soliciation.  Sexual Assault Services Culturally Specific Program Training and Services […]

Peer-to-Peer Meeting; Austin, TX

AVA Peer-to-Peer Meeting Information AVA invites you to attend the next Peer-to-Peer Meeting for STOP Administrators.  We offer these peer opportunities twice a year which provide you the opportunity to casually sit and talk about your STOP program with your colleagues.  Learning from each other is one of the most valuable training tools around.  We’ve allowed […]

AVA/OVW Conference Call Summary – December 2016

Summary of Monthly Conference Call between AVA & OVW Date: Monday, December 5, 2016 Time: 11:00 AM Eastern Standard Time     OVW Staff: OVW Associate Director Amy Loder, STOP Program Managers Kim Galvin and Omar Mohammed, Marnie Shiels, OVW Legal AVA Board Members: Michelle Bynum, MaryEllen Garcia and Cecilia Miller AVA Executive Director: Dorene […]

Justice for All Reauthorization Act

Congress has passed Senate Bill 2577, the Justice For All Reauthorization Act and it now heads to the President for signature.  Of particular interest to STOP administrators is that this bill includes language that exempts VAWA grants from  the PREA penalties.  Unfortunately that won’t help FY 2016 awards since those are already moving forward.  And, […]

FY2017 Solicitations

  OVW has posted the FY 2017 solicitation release plan for discretionary and formula grant programs.  Please note that the dates are tentative and may be subject to change.  Once a solicitation is released, it can be found on on the OVW Open Solicitations Page.  The formula table is below but if you’d like to see […]

OVW STOP Rule Webinars – January 12, 2017

From Amy Loder – 12/5/16 Good afternoon. As many of you know, the “Conforming STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program Regulations to Statutory Change; Definitions and Confidentiality Requirements Applicable to All OVW Grant Programs” (STOP Rule) was released last week. OVW is hosting a webinar for all OVW grant recipients on January 5, 2017.  However, the […]

New STOP Rule Updates Regulations About Grants

New STOP rule Updates Regulations about Grants 11/30/2016 12:00 AM EST OVW has published the new final rule about the STOP (Services*Training*Officers*Prosecutors) Formula Grant Program. The new rule updates regulations and general provisions governing OVW grant programs, including definitions and requirements for nondisclosure of confidential information about victims as outlined in the Violence Against Women Act […]

Conforming STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program Regulations to Statutory Change; Definitions and Confidentiality Requirements Applicable to All OVW Grant Programs.”

From OVW Director – 11/30/16 Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to announce the release of the new final rule, “Conforming STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program Regulations to Statutory Change; Definitions and Confidentiality Requirements Applicable to All OVW Grant Programs.”  The rule brings OVW’s grant program regulations up to date with all reauthorizations of […]