Formula New Grantee Orientation (NGO) – February 16 – March 11, 2021
Good afternoon administrators! I hope that everyone is doing well.
In the event that you have not yet seen today’s announcement from Amy Loder/OVW, I am including it below.
Good morning.
The Formula New Grantee Orientation (NGO) is quickly approaching. It will take place February 16 – March 11, 2021. Unfortunately, we will not be able to meet in person. However, I do believe that we have developed a NGO that will be engaging, conducive to learning, and will meet the needs of our participants. I am aware that many of us are experiencing zoom fatigue. Therefore, we have created an agenda that limits the amount of screen time per day. Likewise, whenever possible, we selected times to allow for maximum participation across all time zones, including the U.S. pacific territories. We realize these sessions will result in a later-than-normal work day for participants on the east coast, but it is essential that all NGO participants have an opportunity to attend sessions and ask questions in real time. We hope that having the agenda well in advance of the meeting will allow participants to plan accordingly. Below is some key information concerning the NGO. Please take a moment to carefully read this information and follow-up with your Program Manager should you have any questions.
- Will the NGO take place 5 days/week, 8 hours/day, for 4 weeks?
No. All sessions will occur Tuesday – Thursday. With the exception of Tuesday, February 23, all participants can expect 1.5 hours of content per day.
- What time will the sessions take place?
Times will vary, though many sessions will begin at either 4 p.m. or 5 p.m. EST. No session will begin earlier than 1 p.m. EST.
EXAMPLE: A session that starts at 4 p.m. EST means it is 1 p.m. Pacific, 12 noon in Alaska, 11 a.m. in Hawaii, and 7 a.m. in Northern Mariana and Guam.
- Who is required to attend?
All new State Administrators (SAA) and Coalition Directors are required to attend the entire NGO. This is a special condition on all Coalition, SASP, and STOP awards. Additionally, a smaller number of individuals are required to attend a specific session. OVW will contact the individuals who are required to attend directly. See below for information on who is required to attend.
The following individuals are required to attend the entire NGO:
- SAA and Coalition Directors who have been in their position 4 years or less.
- SAAs and Coalition Directors who were required to attend the Formula NGO that was scheduled to take place in March, 2020. If individuals in this category have now been in their position more than 4 years, they are still required to attend.
The following individuals are required to attend the Formula Pass-through session on Thursday, March 4:
- SAAs who pass-through SASP and/or STOP funds and Coalition Directors that receive pass-through SASP and/or STOP funds are required to attend this session regardless of how long they have been in their position or acted as a pass-through entity.
- This session is being offered for the first time and is specifically tailored to address pass-through entities. Much of the content discussed in this session has not been covered in other OVW trainings.
- Do I have to attend the Formula NGO if I have attended other OVW NGOs, or similar trainings offered by other components in DOJ?
Yes. While some of the information may be similar to what is presented in other OVW NGOs, most of the content is specific to the formula programs. Additionally, many of the presentations will go into greater depth than is typical for other OVW NGOs.
- Can individuals who are not required to attend the NGO participate?
Yes. The benefit of holding a remote NGO is we can allow for a greater number of individuals to attend. Individuals who are not required to attend the NGO may attend any or all of the sessions. In fact, we encourage all SAAs and Coalitions Directors to have additional staff attend the sessions. Please note, there is a 250 person attendance limit.
- Will attendance be taken?
- How do I register for the NGO?
OVW has partnered with Leidos for all NGO logistics. Registration information and instructions will be sent in January 2021.
- How do I participate in each of the sessions?
The NGO will take place via zoom. A link to the portal for the NGO, which will include the links for each session, presentations, and supporting documents, will be provided to all individuals who register for the NGO.
- Will I be able to meet with OVW staff?
Yes. The final week of the NGO is dedicated to office hours with Program Managers, OVW Attorney Advisors, the Grants Financial Management Division (GFMD), and OVW JustGrants. Attendance at these office hours is optional.
- What are the next steps?
OVW Program Managers will begin reaching out to individuals who are required to attend the NGO. Leidos will send out communications beginning in January. Please register for the NGO as soon as you receive the information.
I hope this information is useful. If you have any questions please contact your Program Manager.
Have a good weekend.