VAWA Resources

FY19 Appropriations Bill Becomes Law

Dear Administrators: Thankfully, just ahead of a second government shutdown, the FY19 appropriations bill has been passed by both the House and Senate and subsequently signed by the President. Of great interest to VAWA Administrators, $497,500,000 was transferred from the Crime Victims Fund to support STOP VAWA Formula and Discretionary grants. Here’s a breakdown of […]

Rape Survivor Child Custody Act (RSCCA) Application Due Date

While you may have already seen the below message from OVW, we wanted to be sure that you saw the RSCCA application due date notice from Amy Loder:     Good morning and happy New Year.   Applications and certification letters for the Rape Survivor Child Custody Act (RSCCA) funds are due by 11:59 pm ET […]

Continuing Resolution

Hello:  I know that many of you are anxious for information regarding a possible government shutdown.  We can report the current Continuing Resolution to fund Federal government operations expires at midnight (EST) on Friday, December 21, 2018.  Without another Continuing Resolution or enactment of FY 2019 full-year appropriations, there will be a funding lapse that […]

OVW Grant Awards by State/Territory and Program

In the event that you were not previously aware of the following link to a useful OVW website, we want to make it easy for you to access it. From the link, you can access OVW data regarding: Grant Awards by State – lists the OVW Formula amounts and OVW Discretionary awards to your state/territory […]

OVW Webinar on Implementation Plans and Calculations

In the event that you were not able to participate in the OVW webinar on Implementation Plans and Calculations, it is attached here.  As the webinar was about 72 minutes long, the attached file is large and may take a minute to load.  OVW Webinar with Marnie Shiels.mp4   Take care, Barry

OVW Awards to Address Sexual Violence on Campus

OVW announced today that they have made 57 awards to 28 states (totaling $18 million) to address sexual violence on campus. To view the list of states and agencies receiving the award, click on the link below: Take care, Barry