VAWA Resources

OVW Fiscal Year 202 Enhanced Training and Services to End Abuse in area Life Program Solicitation

The OVW Fiscal Year 2020 Enhanced Training and Services to End Abuse in Later Life Program Solicitation is now available. Apply by: February 6, 2020 The Abuse in Later Life Program supports a comprehensive approach to addressing abuse in later life, including domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, neglect, and exploitation committed against victims who are […]

VAWA Reauthorization

  Hello VAWA Administrators! I want to give you a status report on the VAWA Reauthorization that we learned about last Friday during a conversation with our congressional contact in D.C. Our contact shared that the Reauthorization Bill (House Bill HR 1585) passed through the Judiciary Committee two weeks ago and the full House will […]