VAWA Resources

2015 OVW Open Solicitations

OVW’s website provides a list where you can find formula as well as open competitive solicitations.  In addition, you will find a handy chart outlining the release dates of the solicitations as well as helpful notes on the various grants.  

STOP Purpose Areas

Purpose Areas STOP Formula Program funds are intended for use by states and territories; state, local, and tribal courts (including juvenile courts); Indian tribal governments; units of local government; and nonprofit, nongovernmental victim services programs, including community-based organizations. Grants and subgrants supported through this Program must meet one or more of the following statutory purpose […]


OVW’s Frequently Asked Questions on the STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program and the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Certification Requirement.

VAWA 2013 – AVA’s Summary of Legislation

­­­­Hello STOP Administrators!! AVA is providing the following summary of some of the changes included in VAWA 2013. Please remember that the effective date of VAWA 2013 is October of this year so these changes would apply to your 2014 STOP awards. This summary primarily includes changes affecting the STOP Formula Grant Program and is […]