VAWA Resources

Improving the Criminal Justice Response to Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Program Awards.

I wanted to share it with you to make sure that you are aware of the agencies in your state that were just awarded OVW funding through the Improving the Criminal Justice Response to Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Program. Based on information in the link, 30 states received at least one award. […]

OVW Webinar on VAWA Confidentiality Compliance – July 18

There will be an OVW Webinar that will take place on July 18th from 5pm – 6pm EST. The webinar is for STOP and SASP administrators and will cover VAWA Confidentiality Compliance. Marnie Shiels, OVW Attorney Advisor will discuss monitoring for VAWA confidentiality compliance.  Specifically, Marnie will address: 1) how to monitor STOP and SASP […]

OVW Solicitations and VAWA Reauthorization

  AVA met via conference call on Monday, April 9 with OVW and had a very productive meeting. We wanted to share two pieces of information that came from our discussion. Several of you have asked if AVA had updates about STOP solicitations and/or the VAWA Reauthorization. Here’s what we learned from OVW: OVW Solicitations  The […]

STOP and SASP Solicitation Info for FY2018

Program Name CFDA Number Estimated Solicitation Release Date Type of Applicants Anticipated Application Due Date Competition Peer Review Estimated Peer Review Date Sexual Assault Services Formula Program 16.017 3/26/18 Formula 5/8/18 N/A N/A N/A STOP Formula Grant Program 16.588 4/05/18 Formula 5/06/18 N/A N/A N/A    

President’s Budget

The President’s budget was released earlier today.  You can find the complete budget on the OMB website at. omb/appendix/ I have included below, part of an addendum that provides important information about funding for VAWA through the Department of Justice. Agency: DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Subcommittee: Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Offsets Removed: $12,491,000,000 […]