VAWA Resources

2024 STOP Formula Grant Application – Quick Guide

ALSO STAAR sent out a link today that you likely have already received.  In case you did not, the link below is for a Quick Guide to the 2024 STOP Formula Grant Application.  This information looks like it could be very helpful/useful to each of you. This is the message that accompanied their email: […]

Stalking Program Solicitation

Good afternoon. Please refer to the following link if you would like more information about the FY 2024  Grants to Enhance Culturally Specific Services for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking Program Solicitation Take care, Barry

Y 24 OVW Solicitation Announcements

Good morning VAWA Administrators!! Please refer to the below links for FY 2024 OVW Solicitation Announcements: Fiscal Year 2024 Sexual Assault Services Culturally Specific Program Solicitation – Deadline to submit SF-424 and SF-LLL in 11:59 PM Eastern Time (ET) on April 4, 2024 – Deadline to submit full application in JustGrants: 8:59 PM […]

OVW Solicitations – Rural Programs, Cybercrime and Transitional Housing

Please refer to the below links for FY 2024 OVW Program Announcements: – OVW Fiscal Year 2024 Rural Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Program – Solicitation – OVW Fiscal Year 2024 National Resource Center on Cybercrimes Against Individuals Program – Solicitation – OVW Fiscal Year 2024 Transitional Housing Assistance Grants […]

Important Changes to STOP and SASP Subrecipient Performance Reporting

Happy Monday everyone! I am sharing/re-sharing an email from Melissa Schmisek with OVW.  Her reminder is below.   Barry       Subject: Reminder RE: Important Changes to STOP and SASP Subrecipient Performance Reporting Hello SASP and STOP Administrators, As you know, in 2024, MEI (Measuring Effectiveness Initiative) and OVW will launch a web-based tool for […]

OVW Solicitations – for Tribal Governments Program and for Outreach Services to Underserved Populations

Over the past two days, I received the following solicitation announcements. I wanted to share them in case you did not see the notices: OVW Fiscal Year 2024 Grants to Indian Tribal Governments Program: Strengthening Tribal Advocacy Responses Track (START) – Solicitation Important Dates and Information  Application deadline for April 24, 2024 – […]

OVW Solicitation and Informational Grants Webinar

Good morning and Happy Friday! I am including below two links to information that you might find useful.  It is possible that you have already received both email announcements from OVW but in case you have not seen either email, we wanted to share them with you. First, here’s the link to the announcement of FY […]

OVW Solicitations – FY 2024

You may have received the following information directly from OVW in the past week or so. In case you did not receive this information regarding two OVW FY 2024 Solicitation Announcements and one reimbursement opportunity, I am sharing the links below that may be of interest to you or others in your state, territory, or […]

OVW Annual Meeting

The below link includes multiple PowerPoint recordings from the recent OVW annual meeting and allows you to re-listen to the comments or to hear them for the first time.;!!PRtDf9A!upmnc4Z1HI70H-n_7-gPDmWhX0YUXrEex4D26hmfFKpiyBmHxbXr-r-1-BSfbiLVkFE4Rwa4EKl2MaLeAeWUDGdMkrrEIz0$