Recent News

IMPORTANT – Come join the AVA Board!

  Come join the AVA Board!     The Association of VAWA Administrators (AVA) is seeking new board members to be voted in during our spring meeting! AVA leadership should be reflective of our VAWA membership across the country through representation from various geographic regions, VAWA staff who are new to the field, those that have […]

Consultants Needed

Good morning VAWA Administrators! The OVC VOCA Center at the National Criminal Justice Association is the newest TA provider funded by OVC for VOCA  Assistance and Compensation Administrators. They are reaching out to AVA and to each of you for support.  They are working on putting together training for VOCA Assistance Administrators on passing grant funds […]

AVA Connect Conversation on Implementation Planning – December 9, 2021

Good afternoon administrators!  I hope that all of you had a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving weekend. I wanted to make you aware of the upcoming AVA Connect conversation on December 9th, 2021 at 2:00pm EST.   This is the seventh and final conversation focused on Implementation Planning. During this conversation, we hope to create space for you […]

AVA Connect Conversation re Impact from Other Funding Sources – November 10, 2021

Our next AVA Connect Conversation will take place on November 10th, 2021 at 2:00pm EST. November’s Implementation Planning discussion will focus on the impact that other funding sources, such as VOCA, SASP, FVPSA, RPE, etc., may have on your Implementation Plan/planning process. Please let me know if you would like to participate in this meeting and […]

AVA Connect Conversation re Implementation Planning – October 14, 2021

Good afternoon to everyone!  I hope that you are all planning something fun for the upcoming weekend. On October 14th, 2021 at 2:00pm EST, we will have our 5th AVA Connect Conversation devoted to Implementation Planning. October’s conversation will focus on the full scope of required consultations (non-tribal), including those with victim service providers, law […]

AVA Connect Conversation re Tribal Consultation – September 29, 2021

Our next AVA Connect Conversation is scheduled for September 29th, 2021 at 2:00pm EST.  This conversation will focus on the tribal consultation requirements of your VAWA Implementation Plan. With that in mind, this conversation is ideally intended to target VAWA administrators in states or territories that have: federally recognized tribes state recognized tribes other tribal […]

AVA Connect Conversation re Implementation Planning – August 11, 2021

On August 11th at 2:00pm EST, AVA will hold the third in a series of seven AVA Connect Conversations devoted exclusively to discussion about Implementation Planning. Wednesday’s conversation will center on needs assessments, focus groups, and required meetings. There are currently 16 VAWA Administrators already registered to participate.   If you would like to participate […]

AVA Connect Call – July 29, 2021 (Reminder – re Implementation Planning)

Good afternoon VAWA Administrators! I wanted to share this final reminder about tomorrow’s (July 29th) AVA Connect Conversation about Implementation Planning. The conversation will start at 2:00pm EST. I have currently received feedback from administrators in 14 states who plan on participating. Here’s the Zoom link: Thank you, Barry

AVA Connect Conversation – July 29, 2021

Happy Friday VAWA Administrators! This is a reminder of our upcoming AVA Connect Conversation on July 29, 2021 at 2:00pm EST.  The focus of this conversation will be to discuss planning and starting your Implementation Plan process. During this conversation, you will hear from other VAWA Administrators and they will share with you their planning […]