AVA/OVW Conference Call – May 2014


Date: Monday, May 5, 2014

Time: 11:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
On Monday, May 5th, members of the AVA Board of Directors met telephonically with members of the OVW STOP team to discuss some pertinent issues for STOP administrators. Below is a summary of these discussions.

Annual Administrator’s Meeting

OVW is still having internal discussions on this but it’s currently looking like they will not be rescheduling the conference for this fall. They will let administrators know if anything changes.

Muskie Reports

Christina Murray (OVW staff responsible for Muskie work) has left OVW and they are using program staff to fill in that gap. The form will definitely need revisions to capture new VAWA 2013 information. Michelle is open to AVA gathering information from administrators on these changes. She did say that Muskie reports that submission of the subgrantee reports is so much better this year. 98% were submitting on time. Red Flag reports are already flowing out.

Implementation Plan Approvals

Approvals will be provided via email. GANS can’t be generated since no formal award has been issued. Omar and Kim both say they are almost finished reviewing their state plans. Internal deadline is May 14 for initial review. OVW’s goal is to have approvals out within the next few weeks.

FY 2014 Allocations

Allocation list was released just prior to this call. Awards will come out in the fall with a July 1st start date.


Marnie is developing a fact sheet for PREA as it relates to the new form w/ examples of how STOP funds can be used for bringing the state into compliance. That fact sheet should be available soon. They had to go the through OMB approval process – late April was the expiration of public comment and OVW has asked for expedited approvals of the form once the comment period expired.

At the close of this meeting, Michelle Brickley asked that we defer the next call to August so OVW can finish Implementation Plan approvals and issue awards. We also discussed the potential of holding quarterly calls with all administrators – OVW could include attorneys for targeted topics, e.g. civil rights.