AVA Annual Meeting – April 30th, Albuquerque




When:  April 30th, 2019 during lunch break

Where: Albuquerque Marriott Hotel on the 1stfloor in the Pecos Room


Many of you are registered to attend the 2019 STOP Administrator’s Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico on April 28-May 3, 2019.    We want to share some information with you about the date and time for the AVA annual meeting and luncheon.

AVA’s Annual Meeting:

As has become our tradition, AVA will hold our annual meeting during the STOP conference. Our meeting will take place during the lunch break on Tuesday, April 30th. We will hold our meeting during that break – and we will again be providing lunch!!


The AVA meeting is open to both member and non-member states and territories. We will discuss our accomplishments during this past year.  We will also ask you for your recommendations for AVA’s goals for 2019. This will help us to better meet your needs.

No formal registration is necessary for the AVA meeting but please respond to this email to let me know if you or another staff person will be joining us, so we’ll have adequate seating and an accurate headcount for ordering the food. You will receive a confirming email letting you know that we are looking forward to seeing you.

AVA Board of Directors and Elections:

We will also hold AVA Board elections during this meeting to fill vacancies on the board of directors.   Board members are elected for a 2-year term with half of the board seats up for re-election each year.  This year, there are three vacancies.  Current Board members are planning to run for a renewal term for two of the three vacancies.  The third vacancy is created by a Board member’s term expiring.  All board vacancies will be filled by a vote held during this luncheon.

I’m happy to provide you with additional information regarding the time commitment if you’re interested in running for the board. You don’t have to have years of experience with the STOP program to join the board as the opinions and views from new and seasoned administrators are both helpful.


I look forward to seeing you all in Albuquerque at the end of April and you can expect to receive more information in the coming weeks!

Barry Bryant

AVA Executive Director