Implementation Plan Schedules – New!
Hello STOP Administrators,
In case you missed the announcement last week, OVW has modified its policy regarding the implementation planning cycle. The AVA Board spoke to OVW and many of you posted comments to the proposed regs asking that the planning cycle more closely mirror the reauthorization cycle of VAWA. Based on these suggestions, OVW has extended the cycle to 4 years. As you know, all states and territories need to submit a plan with their FY 2017 STOP application. That plan should now cover the period of 2017-2020. I’m happy to field any questions you may have or you can direct your inquiries directly to your OVW program manager. Have a good day!
Dorene Whitworth, Exec. Director
Association of VAWA Administrators
2325 Peavine Valley Road
Reno NV 89523
Ph. 775-721-4691