AVA Meetings/Summaries

AVA/OVW Conference Call – October 17, 2022

Good morning.  I hope that you are all doing well. The AVA Board will meet with representatives from OVW on Monday, October 17th, for our regularly scheduled quarterly meeting. If you have any questions that you would like for us to ask,  please share them with me or here on your AVA listserv. As always, we […]

AVA Board Meeting – May 10, 2022

Good afternoon and Happy Friday! This email is a reminder of the AVA Annual Meeting that will be held virtually on May 10, 2022 at 1:30 EST.  Here is the Zoom link for the meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87121256032?pwd=a3BGRmZ3K0ZrbnoyVXY1K3luMUwxQT09 The AVA Board will provide an overview of the goals and accomplishments and a review of the AVA budget.  We will also elect […]

Implementation Plans

Good morning! AVA met with OVW this morning and we had a good conversation.  There was a suggestion/request from OVW that might be helpful to you. To date, OVW has received a handful of Implementation Plans, in advance of the due date. OVW requests that if you have completed your IP and you are in a […]

AVA/OVW Conference Call – Request for Info

Good morning and Happy Tuesday! AVA will be meeting with OVW in early April and we wanted to reach out to you to see if there are outstanding questions or concerns that you have that you would like for us to ask them about when we meet. Please send me any questions that you have […]

AVA/OVW Conference Call – Request for Info

AVA will be meeting with OVW in early January and we wanted to reach out to you to see if there are outstanding questions or concerns that you have that you would like for us to ask them about when we meet. Please send me any questions that you have (by January 6, 2022) and […]

AVA/OVW Conference Call – October 18, 2021

Good morning. AVA Board members met with OVW staff this past Monday, October 18, 2021, for our quarterly conference call. Please find some time to review the below list of items that we discussed with OVW.  Thank you to those administrators who reached out to AVA in advance to share discussion topics for which you wanted/needed […]

AVA Connect Conversation re Implementation Planning – August 11, 2021

For those who were able to participate, thank you for the great turnout for yesterday’s AVA Connect Conversation about Implementation Planning.  We had 35 VAWA Administrators participating in that conversation. During our conversation, there were different thoughts about when the Implementation Plan is due and what years it covers. I reached out to OVW and […]

AVA Connect Conversation Re Implementation Planning – July 29, 2021

Good afternoon.   Today, AVA conducted the second in a series of seven AVA Connect Conversations devoted exclusively to discussion about Implementation Planning.  Today’s conversation focused on tips and strategies for getting started.   There were more than 30 participants on the call today!   We provided a document to everyone on the call, as […]