AVA Meetings/Summaries

AVA Connect Conversation – November 8, 2023; 2:00 EST

Good morning and Happy Monday! You may have seen that the US Congress avoided a government shutdown in late September when they extended the appropriations deadline to November 17th, 2023. With that date looming just around the corner, we have decided to move the date of our next AVA Connect Conversation to Wednesday, November 8th at 2:00pm […]

AVA Connect Conversation – September

Today, AVA held our September AVA Connect Conversation and we had meaningful discussion about many topics.  As a result of today’s AVA Connect, there are two things that AVA wanted to share with you from our conversation:   1) ALSO STAAR has an upcoming STOP TA clinic on the VAWA Prosecution Certification on 10/16/23 at 5pm ET.  […]

AVA Connect – September 27, 2023 – 2:00 pm EST

Good afternoon and Happy Labor Day.  I hope that you all enjoyed an extended Holiday weekend.   Our next AVA Connect Conversation is scheduled for September 27, 2023 at 2:00pm EST.   This conversation will be open-ended and you are welcome to share any successes that you have experienced, any challenges that you are facing, or […]

AVA Connect – July 26 @ 2:00 pm EST

Good morning and Happy Wednesday.  I hope that you all enjoyed an extended Holiday weekend. Our next AVA Connect Conversation is scheduled for July 26, 2023 at 2:00pm EST and is open to AVA dues-paying members.  (If you are not sure if your agency has paid dues, you can reach out to me via email at barry@avadministrators.org). […]

AVA Peer to Peer

Happy Monday to all of you and I hope your weekend was enjoyable and relaxing! As many of you know, AVA recently held a Peer-to-Peer meeting in Denver in late May.  Based on personal observation and very positive survey feedback, I think it was the most successful P2P to date. Because some of you have expressed interest, […]

Save the Date! – AVA Annual meeting – June 16, 2023

Good afternoon VAWA Administrators! Please see Save the Date  announcement for June 16, 2023.   AVA will hold our annual meeting that afternoon from 2:00-3:30pm EST and we hope that you will be able to join us. It’s an opportunity to learn more about AVA, the services that we offered to administrators last year, and our […]

AVA Connect – Follow up Clarification on Questions

IN AVA’s most recent AVA Connect Conversation, there was healthy discussion about a few key VAWA issues that everyone on the call wanted more information about. One of the Administrators participating in the AVA Connect Conversation, reached out to their OVW Program Manager for guidance. The administrator shared the responses that their OVW Program Manager provided.  It seems […]

AVA Connect

Important Info Re AVA Membership! Good morning and Happy Monday! AVA is bringing back the AVA Connect Conversations, starting this month.  We will have AVA Connect conversations every other month.  The first conversation will take place at 2:00pm EST on Wednesday, April 19th and is open to AVA dues paying members and non-dues paying members. For […]

AVA/OVW Conference Call – April 2023

Good afternoon everyone.  I hope that you are all doing well and getting ready for warmer weather. The AVA Board will meet with representatives from OVW in early April, for our regularly scheduled quarterly meeting. If you have any questions that you would like for us to ask, please share them with me directly or here […]

AVA/OVW Conference Call – January 2023

Good afternoon everyone and Happy Holidays.  I hope that you are all doing well. The AVA Board will meet with representatives from OVW in early January of 2023, for our regularly scheduled quarterly meeting. If you have any questions that you would like for us to ask,  please share them with me directly or on your […]