AVA/OVW Conference Call Summary – September 2016
Summary of
Monthly Conference Call between AVA & OVW
Date: Monday, September 12, 2016
Time: 11:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
OVW Staff: Program Manager Kim Galvan
AVA Board Members: Michelle Bynum, Julia Fuller-Wilson and Cecilia Miller
AVA Executive Director: Dorene Whitworth
Amy Loder, Associate Director, as well as the other STOP members of the OVW team were unavailable for this call so Kim Galvan provided as much information as was available in the interim. Thank you, Kim!
Indirect Costs:
Dorene has reached out to Donna Simmons on a few occasions to inquire about the status of the FAQ document for indirect costs but has received no response. Kim discussed that the GFMD has been inundated with getting awards out which include the calculations involving PREA and the SA Survivor program. This may have delayed work on the FAQ document. Kim will look into this for AVA.
Status of Regulations:
AVA is particularly interested in whether they will change the frequency of implementation plans and what will be required in interim years. Kim discussed that the regulations are still under review. We discussed the 5+ year frequency which, although this has been received favorably, Kim is uncertain at this time what will be decided when the final regulations are released.
Muskie form revisions:
It’s been some time since we’ve heard anything about the updates to the Muskie forms. Administrators are questioning whether we’ll have the new forms for the March 2017 submission. Kim indicated that these are will under OMB review.
This discussion centered around the timing of the SASP conference. At one time it was coordinated with the STOP conference which seemed to work well. Kim discussed the challenges of balancing administrators’ time. Some felt the additional days after the STOP conference were too much time away from their offices; others questioned whether it could be done in conjunction with the STOP conference. Kim indicated that OVW discussions have identified that the programs are too different to combine the conferences. AVA offered to conduct a survey outlining the pros and cons for each and get a feel for what administrators would prefer. Any results would not affect this year’s SASP conference.
STOP Award
Notices are beginning to roll out.