AVA/OVW Conversation of 7/8/24

The following is a brief overview of our conversation on Monday with OVW leadership and OVW Program Managers.  The topics were discussed briefly and the core of what was discussed is outlined below.

STOP Progress Reporting

AVA Board members provided OVW staff with feedback on how smoothly this process went for Administrators. 

  • Most Board members felt that the report questions were easy to review, easy to approve, and easy to submit.
  • Some Board members indicated that they did not have to provide as much TA to subgrantees as in the past and they believe it was much easier to complete than the paper form of the past
  • There were a few suggestions for improvements, including:

– it would be ideal to receive some sort of (either immediately or more quickly) notification that your submitted report had been received.
– it would be nice if subgrantees would receive an error message if they try to add narrative comments.
– the download of the final information report is currently available in Excel format only but there are ongoing discussions about potentially making it available in other formats down the road.
– There may also be other improvements in the works to ensure this process stays efficient.

  • In the event that you have not yet done this, OVW asked us to remind you to complete the survey regarding the new reporting form.  They encourage you to be honest.
  • OVW also indicated that you can provide ongoing commentary about the reporting form to your Program Manager or directly to Amy Loder.

STOP Prosecutor Certification

AVA had recently heard that either DOJ or STOP ALSO or OVW may be developing “best practices” for the prosecution certification/alternatives to compelling victim testimony.

  • OVW is not developing the best practices but will reach out to DOJ and/or STOP ALSO to find out if they are.  They will let you know if/when you should expect to receive them.
  • OVW shared that the National District Attorneys Association has been holding a number of training sessions about this requirement.  It is designed specifically for prosecutors instead of VAWA Administrators.  She will share (in the future) with AVA and/or VAWA administrators the dates and times of any upcoming training.

Rape Survivor Bill of Rights 

Can you provide any clarification on how the award amount decisions on the Rape Survivor Bill of Rights incentives are determined?

  • There is an appropriation when it is determined that a state’s or a territory’s laws are in compliance and how many are eligible for this set-aside/additional funding.
  • The amount awarded is not determined by the number of states that are eligible and distributed
  • The amount is determined by formula and it is possible that there will be funding left over in this area after awards are made.

STOP/SASP Funding Allocations for 2024

Is there any update on when the notices of STOP and SASP funding allocations will be sent out to states and territories?

  • You will hear from OVW about this within the next week.

STOP Implementation Plans

Can you confirm when the next STOP Implementation Plan is due?

  • The next IP is due in 2026 and should be submitted with your STOP Application.
  • During this conversation, OVW encouraged AVA to remind all administrators about the importance of:

    – Using the STOP ALSO template when submitting your IP
    – Letters of Documentation are only required by the four disciplines: VS, LE, Prosecution, Courts
    – Make sure to keep documentation of your attempts to include all groups in the Planning process, including all sign in sheets, emails, letters etc. of all meetings.
    – When being inclusive and diverse with the makeup of your planning committee, remember that Coalitions are not considered to be an example of either an underserved or culturally specific organization.

In-Person Meetings

Is OVW planning to hold any in-person meetings in the near future?

– OVW is ready to get back to in-person meetings but has not yet decided when or if they will combine meetings for VAWA Administrators and Coalition staff or conduct them separately.  They will keep administrators posted as they make final decisions about when, where, and how.

I hope this answers most or all of the questions that we received from VAWA Administrators during our Annual Meeting.
